Contact Mediander
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- Lostraat 175
- 1760 Roosdaal
- Tel. 053/64 66 45
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The inspiration bundle is the result of the project group career path of Mediander. Mediander wants to support her member organizations (schools and health care institutions for persons with a disability) to accompany employees from the beginning to the end of their career, like described in the charter 'to undertake from a Franciscan perspective'.
Next to the care for our children, young adults and adults, we care inseparable for our employees. This means we want to give each employee enough development opportunities, respecting the individuality and the qualities of each person. We strive for an organization with happy, professional and motivated employees. There are different models and theories available describing how to keep employees motivated, how to develop a decent education policy, etc... However, turning theory into practice is not always that easy.
The project group career path stresses that concentrating on career policy is crucial for each member organization. By concentrating on career policy organizations will:
1. Increase employability: Continuous development of the employees (skills and competences) to anticipate on developments and innovations within the organization and the society.
2. Enhance the innovation of the organization: Organizations need to adapt to the developments and innovations in our society. The innovation of the organization causes growth and existence of the organization and the involvement of employees is an important ingredient to succeed.
3. To offer workability and sustainability: We need to work longer and so it is important that work is 'workable' for the employees, so we can continue working longer with enthusiasm.
In the inspiration bundle we zoom in on the whole career of the employee through an overview of the HR-processes. We focused on a number of tools and sub-processes. This quest is what you read in the bundle.
We hope that each responsible for the HR organization can find ideas here to enforce their policy.
The inspiration bundle is available for our member organizations and can be requested by sending a mail to